
Carbon Neutral
Not only do we source the most sustainable materials we can, but we also believe it’s our responsibility to ensure we give back to the environment what we take. With that aim, we are committed to being carbon neutral by offsetting the carbon that we use.
We have partnered with On A Mission, to support their sustainable reforestation projects around the world.
They work on a select number of reforestation schemes with a focus on local communities and biodiversity in places such as Madagascar and Brazil.

Low Waste
We are a small, independent brand producing our clothing in limited quantities to ensure all our pieces find a loving home.
When you cut pattern pieces out of a roll of fabric, there are unused scraps of fabric. We minimise what goes onto the cutting room floor by careful planning, and we save all our off-cuts and either recycle them or use them to make smaller items such as our scrunchies.
Any waste materials in our supply chain are minimised: re-captured and reused or processed and recycled safely in accordance with EU or UK regulations.

Sustainable Materials
80% of the environmental footprint of a garment is decided at the design stage. It’s crucial to design sustainability into clothing from the outset. Choosing the right fabric is the most important consideration when designing clothes.

Vegan Friendly
We’re committed to using only vegan friendly materials in our products. All our fabrics start life as trees grown in sustainably managed European woodlands.
We completely eschew the use of silk in our luxury products; with the latest technology and fabric innovations it is now possible to get super silky soft fabrics which are an environmentally friendly and vegan alternative to silk.

Ethical Sourcing
People are the heart of our brand. Without our wonderful production partners Orchard Moon wouldn’t be possible. Our relationships are built on fairness and mutual respect. Brands are built on the shoulders of many and as we grow so do they.
People make clothes, not machines. Expert sewists spend their time and expertise carefully cutting and sewing each garment, which can take up to half a day per piece.
We are committed to gender and race equality and so are our suppliers. Our production partners pay their employees fairly and treat them with kindness and respect.
We keep our whole supply chain as local as possible so our materials have travelled shorter distances and have a smaller carbon footprint.